Monday, April 26, 2004

April 26th, 2004

Well I did it - I managed to survive my first full day alone with Landon. Rhiannon ventured back to the work force today, so to ease her transition from stay-at-home-mom back to go-to-work-mom, I took the day off to take care of our son. I am happy to report that I am still alive, and relatively unscathed.

Last week on Thursday and Friday I worked out on Catalina Island, and so spent the first night away from my new family. It was harder than I expected, and I missed them quite a bit, but luckily we worked hard, and fished even harder (I caught my first two white seabass 23 and 27lbs respectively!) and that made the night alone on my coworker’s floor go by a little faster. When I returned in the middle of the night Friday I was wiped out and so spent most of Saturday recovering.

Sunday, Landon was pretty much a train wreck all day. I’m not sure if it was the incredibly unseasonably warm weather, or just some newborn growing pains, but he was an ornery little devil all day long. The number one thought racing through my head was, “How will I survive tomorrow if he acts even half as crabby?” I tried to get as much sleep last night in preparation for today, the key word being ‘tried’ since I didn’t sleep that well and instead woke up tired.

Today though, Landon was a blessing. We woke up around 7:30; I gave the kid a bath which he continues to enjoy more than just about everything. It cracks me up every time he shoots a little golden fountain straight up into the tub. We then hung out on his changing table where he got ready for the day. After a bath, Landon is all smiles on the table, giggling and grinning as Dad fumbles his way through diapers and onesies and little tiny socks. We then took Dakota out for some fetch and settled down for a mid morning nap. Rhiannon called shortly thereafter pleading to see if we could make a brief appearance at her school during her break. Of course we were happy to oblige. Afterwards we returned home for more napping, and another bottle full of milk. We spent the afternoon outside on a blanket, staring up at the wind controlled pattern of leaves that danced on limbs above us. More giggles also were heard. We then took a long walk with Dakota around the lake; I think I came dangerously close to overheating Landon once again. Upon our return I stripped him down to a diaper and cranked on the air conditioner, and we played around on the couch with a little soccer ball/rattle. Before we realized it, the back gate opened and in popped Rhiannon beaming with anticipation to hold her son.

It was actually quite enjoyable spending the day with Landon. He is quickly developing a personality, and growing as an individual, which is so rewarding to observe and participate in.


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